wish list
Thank you for viewing our ongoing Wish List! We seek to update it as often as possible. If you have questions about the list, or there is a specific item you would like to donate or a project you would like to fund, please email Sarah Causey (Executive Director) at Sarah.Causey@afildfw.org.
Level 1 / Dormitory Building
Blinds for all upstairs bedrooms - 2' white wooden
Floor lamps for all upstairs bedrooms (8)
Level 2 / apartment Building
Exercise equipment for Exercise/Weight Room – treadmill, elliptical, or any other pieces that are in good working order.
Flooring & Labor
Funds to replace hardwood floors in Computer room and Living room (to match the rest of the flooring in the building)
funding for projects
Flooring project above
Remodel of unused bathroom into cleaning and chemical closet
Painting of green stairwells, trim, etc. on Level 2 building (and some on Level 1)
Painting of shutters and doors on both buildings
Replace back fence
Paint and replace flooring in all Level 2 apartments
Paint both Kitchens